Popcorn, Nature's Candy At the Movies

what would a lazy weekend be without your  $12 movie and $15  popcorn? A sad movie experience, that's what that is! i'm not sure what's worse, paying $30 or only paying $12 while the brat next to you is munching on her milk duds, popcorn, and peanut m+ms and then washin it all down with an ice cold icee. damn bail outs.

thankfully though the nice people at AMC are offering a $15.00 FREE small popcorn with the purchase of any sized drink. might not seem like a lot- but when the soda is $3.25 (!!!!) and that tinyurl of popcorn is $3.75 (!!!!) you and your movie buddy can chip in the $1.80 each for the soda and ration out the six kernels between you. fake it till you make it, right?



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